Posting after a long time again, been busy watching the credit crisis take away 25% of my hard earned 401K (pension plan). How Ironic that since my money is in the market I have to pay up for somebody's bad lending decisions. While the CEOs of those banks and mortgage institutions wind up with millions of dollars (all of our hard earnings), heard a CEO of Washington Mutual who worked for 18 days wound up with 13.1 million!!! Wish I knew how to make that kind of money. Oh , well let me know if you have any such ideas I can use....
Here is an old daily published in Pioneer. Enjoy.. (oh and somebody called me selfish for not posting comic strips, if I had really been I would not have started this blog.....Nice compliments, friend)
Posting after a long time. Thanks for checking this site often. Very happy to let you all know a couple more contributors have been gracious to share their treasure of some Mandrake stories. Will be posting them soon. Hope you are all doing well. Presenting a 1950s Sunday story, thanks to Myron. I love the clarity of these scans and vintage B/W still is very enjoyable, provided the scans are good.
Thanks for visiting this blog, perhaps the one and only place on the web having the most Mandrake comic strips.
If you happen to come across or have Mandrake comic strips/books (in English preferably) please scan them and I can post them here. Please email me if you have any questions.
My aunt who lives in Italy is doing a fantastic job writing recipes in Italian for South Indian Food (she's from Mysore) for Italians who want to try some ...Here is a link to an article published in a newspaper from Bangalore...