Just read a few stories and wanted to make them available to you all...Thanks a lot to Myron, who has been very generous to the Mandrake blog.
Here is the shortest Sunday S083 The Radio Telescope I have come across. The following Sunday S084 The Water Pirates was very fascinating and enjoyed reading these. Enjoy...
S083: The Radio Telescope: 31 Jul 1960 to 7 Aug 1960

S084 The Water Pirates: 14 Aug 1960 to 4 Dec 1960

Download Sunday Strip S083
Download Sunday Strip S084
Wow!!! This is surely a fabulous surprise! I wasn't expecting you to post for at least another week or so....awesome!!!!
Excellent story. Thanks MTM.
- Ruchi.
Excellent stuff. The Water Pirates is a typical Mandrake. The Radio Telescope however, has a hilarious end. Thanks, MTM.
Great surprise!!
Thanks and do this more often.
You seem to have rarest of rare Mandrakes. Do you have the "Magnon's Glorious Reign" in Black & White unedited version.
Nice strips! :-)
@Mozz: plz visit JACQUES's site where you'll get S154(Magnon's glorious...) in colored form,all though the the strip yet-to-post completely!
That was unexpected. is this going to be ur regular frequencey from now ;)
Thank you Bala!
Where have patrolmen Chandu & CW gone?
@Aditya: You are Welcome.
@Ruchi: You are Welcome.
@Deb: You are Welcome.
@CC: You are Welcome. Will try
@Mozz: You are Welcome. Don't have that, if I get it will post it.
@Comic60: You are Welcome.
@Col W: You are Welcome. Don't know where they are....
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