Here is a long time Sunday where Narda is chosen as the Miss Galaxy. Scans not one of the best I could find. Readable scans. I have clipped these from Newspaper archives and microfiche film from the library. Missing 3 weeks. Let me know if anyone has it. Enjoy.
Getting ready for my vacation to India. Will be in Bangalore and Mysore, have not decided where I will be spending my time the most. Plan to catchup on old friends and family.
Been a little late in posting some stories...Hope you can bear the wait.
Here is a very rare Sunday story presented by our first South American contributor Carlos from Brazil. Thanks a lot for making this available to all of us. A hearty welcome to you. Hope we can one day be able to read all the Sundays and Dailies in English.
Been busy with stuff lately. Here is another good daily. Thanks to Tom Williams for sharing these. I filled in some missing ones and was lucky enough to get them. Enjoy...
Thanks for visiting this blog, perhaps the one and only place on the web having the most Mandrake comic strips.
If you happen to come across or have Mandrake comic strips/books (in English preferably) please scan them and I can post them here. Please email me if you have any questions.
My aunt who lives in Italy is doing a fantastic job writing recipes in Italian for South Indian Food (she's from Mysore) for Italians who want to try some ...Here is a link to an article published in a newspaper from Bangalore...