This is the third Vishu after I started helping out Balaji to keep the stories about the acknowledged first super hero in comics, coming in this blog.
Here is a picture of the Vishu Kani of last year from my home.
Happy Vishu to all visitors to the Blog.
Now on to the matter at hand. Most of us still fondly remember the story of the first meeting of Mandrake and Lothar.
Mandrake meets Lothar - Classical version:
A dreaded killer is on the run after murdering quite a few people including Mandrake's friend. Mandrake goes in search of the killer and meets this young strong man, who mistakes Mandrake for the killer. After the misunderstandings are worked out, both Mandrake and Lothar work together and bring the fugitive to justice.
Here is the first panel of that story S101:

Download the story from here.
(Thanks to Magnus for the color strips)
Another take on the meeting of Mandrake and Lothar:
In the daily story - D214_TheEarsOfTheEarth_(07-19-93_to_11-27-93).cbr - Lee Falk and Fredericks fumble on the first ever meeting of Mandrake and Lothar. This story was published earlier in this very blog. (Thanks to Paulo for extracting images from newspaper PDF files)
Continuing from where the second version left off:
Now in this black and white Sunday strip that ran for nearly a year - S172_RevolutionInLotherton_(01-29_95_to_01-07-96) - we have a story that continues from where it left off in the above daily strip. For those of us who grew up on the classical tale, this one was a big let down.
Here is the first panel of this story:
Enjoy the story.
Here is a picture of the Vishu Kani of last year from my home.
Happy Vishu to all visitors to the Blog.
Now on to the matter at hand. Most of us still fondly remember the story of the first meeting of Mandrake and Lothar.
Mandrake meets Lothar - Classical version:
A dreaded killer is on the run after murdering quite a few people including Mandrake's friend. Mandrake goes in search of the killer and meets this young strong man, who mistakes Mandrake for the killer. After the misunderstandings are worked out, both Mandrake and Lothar work together and bring the fugitive to justice.
Here is the first panel of that story S101:

Download the story from here.
(Thanks to Magnus for the color strips)
Another take on the meeting of Mandrake and Lothar:
In the daily story - D214_TheEarsOfTheEarth_(07-19-93_to_11-27-93).cbr - Lee Falk and Fredericks fumble on the first ever meeting of Mandrake and Lothar. This story was published earlier in this very blog. (Thanks to Paulo for extracting images from newspaper PDF files)
Continuing from where the second version left off:
Now in this black and white Sunday strip that ran for nearly a year - S172_RevolutionInLotherton_(01-29_95_to_01-07-96) - we have a story that continues from where it left off in the above daily strip. For those of us who grew up on the classical tale, this one was a big let down.
Here is the first panel of this story:
Enjoy the story.
One shud read S108(3D Monster;1970) alongwith this S172(Lotharton;1995) just to see Karma's reaction(on Lothar's origin) in the both occasions!!
I just wonder who wrote these craps??While '80s Mandrakes Strips were quite decent, there was a sharp and sudden decline in the '90s..
In most '90s strips we find such blunders,making us wonder who actually ghosted those stories!!
While Falk can write a bad story alright,but such mistakes are hard to believe that came from the master himself!!
Happy Vishu and thanks for the strip.
thanks for the strip, been after this one. happy vishu
Thanks for the strip. Happy Vishu.
thanks for the strips ..........
happy Vishnu.........
& also a bengali subha nababorsha
for the the post, great read
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