D226 From 4 Aug 1997 to 24 Jan 1998
D227 From 26 Jan 1998 to 4 Apr 1998
D228 From 6 Apr 1998 to 12 Sep 1998
Strips Scanned by Magnus Magnusson, cleaned, posted & made available on the blog by Balaji.
The Compilation of the scans into a comic book form with fabulous cover page made possible by Comic.Crazy Jan 25, 2008. Special Thanks to Comic.Crazy.
He has taken pains to combine these dailies and made an excellent Cover Page.
Dara has also posted the same in his blog. As it was posted here first, I wanted to include this effort in my blog as well.
Thanks again, more to come as he has agreed to help me get the recent dailies to conform to this book format that makes it easier to read.

Yes!! CC done a gr8 job & wid his help,we can 'modify' these strip-format in a Book!!
Thnx 2 you also for providing those scans first,as without those, editing/rearranging wud have been out-of-question!!!
more to come as he has agreed to help me get the recent dailies to conform to this book format
wow! wow!!!!
So,after b/w strips...now we can see those Colored dailies in a Book-format???? yeahhh..... :-))))
As I checked,,,that 'MediaFire link' doesn't working!!!
M-F is quite disturbing frm ast month,,,,may b it'll work a few hrs later !....hope so...
A very well appreciated job by Comic Crazy.This guy is proving himself a real worth full comic lover.Kudos for CC.
Hi Bala,
Is it the same version which appeared on your blog some time ago? Are the missing pages (25th Oct 1999 to 28th Nov 1999) present in this version? Please let me know.
A really very nice efforts by Comics Crazy ( CC ?) . If he can provide such type of facility, it would be a great help to all of us .I think , a lot of people are coming forward to share their work, efforts, & are taking pains too. A very big thanx to all of them who are coming forward & offering their services in whatever they are expert.
loved Mandrake's wedding a lot.
Dara: You are welcome. Let's hope he can find some time to do it.
MediaFire undergoes maintenance at midnight or so Pacific time. Will be unavailable for a few hours.
CW: Lucky Comic.Crazy found our blogs...Thanks CC
Lucky: These are the same strips I had posted, the scans are still missing. Nobody has them...
@Ajay: True, I think we have a good comic club here. Thanks to all
contributors & assistance from others. Let's hope we can keep this going. Enjoyed these dailies.
Most appreciated, C.C.!
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